music theory

  • Metronomes for the accordionists and accordion practice

    Is Metronome helpful in accordion practice?

    Metronomes have become a valuable tool for novice musicians Despite the clear benefits that they offer, not all are convinced of their importance with some accordionists considering them unnecessary; let’s explore both sides of this debate in order to better understand whether or not these handy tools should form part of your practice routine!

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  • Books on accordion music theory

    The Best books for Beginner Accordionists

    Whether you’re just starting out or brushing up your skills, learning the accordion doesn’t have to be a daunting task. To make it easier, we’ve assembled some of the world’s most trusted reference books on mastering this timeless instrument. With these time-tested titles in hand and with access to interactive video tutorials, there is no…

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  • Circle of Fifths

    Mastering the Accordion: Unlock the Secrets of the Circle of Fifths

    Playing an instrument isn’t just a hobby – it’s life-changing! With the right resources and guidance, you’re one step closer to mastering that accordion. And here’s where the circle of fifths comes in: this handy tool helps beginner musicians make music theory simpler, allowing them to focus on their playing skills instead.

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